Dr. Roslyn Law, Clinical Psychologist at the Anna Freud Centre discusses how talking about brain development can help young people and families to develop new ways of thinking about their difficulties.
Search results Relationships
5 results for your search phrase: ‘Relationships’
Childhood Trauma: What happens when relationships go wrong?
Childhood trauma can lead to long-lasting changes in the brain. How does this happen? This article explains how brain systems involved in detecting threat, processing reward, and personal (autobiographical) memories adapt to experiences of abuse and neglect.
The key role trust plays in learning
Professor Peter Fonagy, Chief Executive at the Anna Freud Centre, discusses why children who have experienced abuse and neglect struggle in educational environments.
What should professionals do when we disagree on how to help a child?
Dr. Dickon Bevington, Medical Director, Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, shares four things for professionals to think about when things start going wrong among professionals working with a young person.