What is a shattered dream and what are the implications for practitioners? Watch David Trickey explore these topics with educator, author and specialist in grief and loss Ted Bowman.
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Shattered dreams: Ted Bowman in conversation with David Trickey
Children in care and post-traumatic stress disorder
In this Research Practice Focus video, Dr Rachel Hiller and David Trickey discuss the relevance of diagnostic labels such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specifically to children in care*, and whether evidence based interventions (such as trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy) have a role to play with children in care.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Research: Implications for practitioners
In this Research Practice Focus video, we explain what ACEs are, how they are measured, and the pros and cons of routine screening.
How to support traumatically bereaved children and young people
In this video Professor Eamon McCrory explains what scientists have learned about how mental health problems develop over time in an accessible way for professionals and carers working with children.
What is Traumatic Bereavement?
Epigenetics and Mental Health: A brief guide to the research
What is epigenetics and how is it related to trauma, health and well-being? In this short video, behaviour geneticist Dr Emma Meaburn gives a brief introduction to epigenetics, its role in linking the environment to health outcomes, and how practitioners should approach the research.